Monthly Archives: September 2013

PFT Academy Camps

Pro Football Training runs specialist camps during school holidays aimed at providing elite level players the opportunity to lead the life of a young professional footballer. These camps are held at two of WA's most prestigeous schools, Christ Church Grammar School and Wesley College, with both venues providing fantastic facilities, similar to that of a Club Academy.

View Gallery

Players arrive each morning at 8.30am and take part in two training sessions (Technical, Tactical & Physical) and two classroom sessions (Mental, Emotional & Lifestyle) before departing each evening at 5.00pm. The week long training camp concludes on the final morning with a 11 v 11 game.
The camp focuses on how to prepare like a Professional, covering the following topics, plus much more.

• SAQ Screening & Conditioning
• MiloKIT - Suspended Body Weight Training (as used by Manchester United)
• Player Psychology Presentations
• Diet and Nutrition Presentations
• Football Tennis Tournament
• Pool Recovery sessions
• Game Analysis
• Career Advice Presentation
• Guest Speakers and Coaches from the Professional Game

For more information about our camps please contact

Additional Information

Pro Football Training September 2009

PFT Pre Season Camp - January 2011

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School Programs

School Based Programs

Pro Football Training began in August 2009 and currently coaches around 600 children per week. We pride ourselves on being a team of highly energetic, passionate and professional educators with many years experience coaching children of all ages and abilities and have created a Junior Development Program aimed at giving children a positive experience through the game of Soccer.


How does Before and After School coaching work?
Periodic weekly sessions can be arranged, e.g. every Monday for 7 weeks. Session Times can be tailored around your school; our normal training times are 7.00am to 8.00am or 315pm-415pm.

A Typical Session

6.45am – PFT Coach arrives at the school to set up

7.00am – The players arrive they will be given a ball each to work on their skills

7.10am – Dynamic Warm Up with the Ball

7.15am – Fun Skill Game to conclude the warm-up

7.25am – Small Sided Games of 1v1, 2v2, 3v2, 3v3 etc

7.50am – Cool Down and De-Brief

8.00am – PFT Coach makes sure all children safely go into school

What do you gain from Pro Football Training coming to your school?

Our experience in the game both in playing and coaching, as well as our passion for continually improving our programs we have devised a model based around the Complete Player, which is not only aimed at making children better footballers but also better people.

The Complete Player

  • Technical
  • Tactical
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Lifestyle

Each session children will be learning new techniques within the game of football and also start the school day in a positive manner having been engaged in a fun and positive environment.


Schools can also utilise Pro Football Training within their school during PE Lessons and/or for Staff Professional Development Days.

What are the ratios of Children to Coaches?

Our philosophy is to engage every child during the session and the maximum children we would have per coach is 16. Children are split into groups according to their age, with all children welcome to attend. Experience or knowledge of the game is not essential, enthusiasm is encouraged and ability is not a criterion.

Should potential talent be recognised we would extend an invitation into our Advanced Development Program. All children would also be able to participate in our Holiday Skillz Clinics.

Where are the sessions held at?

Sessions are held on School Grounds so that children can be dropped off/picked up by their parents on the school site. We will conduct the session on the school oval, school gymnasium or any appropriate outdoor area.

Can we come to your school?
If you are interested in Pro Football Training coming to your school please complete the Registration Form, or contact us via email at, or call us at anytime to discuss further.

Mark Lee (0430 788 703)

Barry Wood (0407 084 589)

We coach at many schools throughout the Perth Metro area, should you require a reference we will be happy to oblige.

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Club Development Programs

Club Development Programs

Pro Football Training offers specialist programs to Clubs in the Perth Metro area. Below is a run down of the type of services we can provide clubs.

Pro Football Training 2 Hour Coaching Presentation including practical sessions
We provide a short presentation in a classroom like environment, have a Q&A with the Coaches then put on a typical session with a group of players chosen by the club.

Pro Football Training Development Sessions with Teams

We put on a typical session for a team at the club, working on specifics given to us by the coach.

Pro Football Training 1 Hour Parent Presentation

We present to the parents, providing guidelines on parent conduct and creating a positive learning environment for the players.

Pro Football Training Technical Syllabus

This document contains the PFT Philosophy, this can be tailored to match the club’s philosophies and mandate. The document covers all aspects of training and includes full session plans for activities to make life easier for volunteer coaches who historically are rushing to training from their workplace.

Pro Football Training Team Trials and Grading

We agree with the Club on a suitable time and date for the trials to take place, we spend some time with the coaches to outline what is being looked for in terms of grading, then we provide recommendations for team/squads.

Programs can be as detailed as production of a Technical Document which encapsulates the clubs philosophy and development plan, or simply training ground visits to assist with Squad Training.

Technical Document Sample

We base all of our programs around the FFA National Curriculum and believe that this coupled with the access we have to numerous Club Academy Programs around the world provides clubs with foundation to build a successful Youth Development Program.

Whether players are being produced to play at the highest level or simply playing socially with friends week in week out, the aim of everything we do at Pro Football Training is to ensure that Football is a positive part of people's lives.

For more information on our programs and how we might be able to help you at your club please contact Mark and Barry at

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PFT Skillz Clinics

Pro Football Training directors Barry Wood and Mark Lee have been involved in running successful clinics all over the world whilst working with various other coaching organisations.

We always get outstanding feedback from players and parents, since running our first PFT Skillz Clinic in January 2010 we have had over 10,000 players attend at various locations across the Perth Metropolitan area.

QuinnsGroup   WesleyGroup1

The clinics are designed in such a way that all of the sessions are fun, and engage each player in a challenging and dynamic way, we cater for everyone irrespective of players age or ability level.

    FADay3     MandurahAction1

We focus on improving the player's individual skills, team work, game understanding and reinforce the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude.

Upcoming PFT Skillz Clinics

8th to 11th July - Geraldton

15th to 17th July - Lords Sports Club, Subiaco

A typical day at a PFT Skillz Clinic would run as follows:

8.30am Players arrive, registration is taken and everyone is briefed by the coaching staff on the days schedule
8.40am Professional Dynamic Warm-Up from a top European Club
9.00am Technical Session - Manchester City Passing and Moving
9.20am Tactical Session - Everton Attacking and Defending
9.40am Half Time Break - Hydration and Team Discussion
9.50am 3 v 3 Small Sided Games
10.20am Dynamic Cool Down and Player Skillz Homework
10.30am Player Prizes and Handouts








Previous Skillz Clinics

View Indoor Clinic Gallery

View Outdoor Clinic Gallery

For further information on attending our PFT Skillz Clinics please contact

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Advanced Group Development Program

Pro Football Training run a development program for players aged between 7 and 16. The programs are invitational whereby players are identified by coaches Barry Wood and Mark Lee.

We are regular visitors around the grounds every weekend throughout the season and also indentify players at Skillz Clinics, School and Club Programs, as well as Football West and School Competitions.

We do not operate any open trials, we simply invite players to come along, experience the environment, and see if it is something they enjoy. Then afterwards we provide both player and parent with our feedback and also receiving their feedback. We challenge ourselves as coaches to create a fun, friendly yet challenging environment where we promote the players to ‘Be The Best They Can Be’ in every session. If we feel that the player would be a good fit for the group we consult with their parents about enrolling them for the program.

Please check our our Pyramid to Success.

The full year program follows the school terms and players participate in two sessions per week, one indoor at Lords Sports Club, Subiaco and outdoor at WA Athletics Stadium, Mt Claremont.

OutsideLords WA-Athletics-Stadium-panorama-web

We base all of our programs around the FFA National Curriculum and believe that this coupled with the access we have to numerous Club Academy Programs around the world we have been able to develop a very successful Youth Development Program.

Why Futsal?

For further information on the program please contact Barry and Mark on



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