We are delighted to announce our schedule for the upcoming April School Holiday Clinics.

The clinics are designed for children of all abilities aged 4 to 16, with children placed within their own age groups.


Click Here to Register Online


Dates: Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, & Thursday 17th April (4-Days)
Times: 9.00am to 11.00am

The cost is $159 per child to attend 4-day (8-hour) clinic.


Dates: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, & Thursday 24th April (3-Days)
Times: 9.00am to 11.00am

The cost is $119 per child to attend 3-day (6-hour) clinic.


For further details please email – info@profootballtraining.com.au

Alternatively, you can Call or Text us to register your your child.

Barry – 0407 084 589             Mark – 0430 788 703           Louis – 0466 806 432