We are excited to invite you to enter a team in our PFT PowerPlay Tournament.


These tournaments are used to huge success in English Professional Academies, and we are delighted to offer it for the first time here in Australia!


Games will last for 10 minutes and go as follows:


DATE Saturday 26th April
VENUE St Johns Wood Playing Fields, Mt Claremont
  • 8.00am to 10.30am: U8, U9, & U10 (7v7 Games)
  • 10.30am to 1.00pm: U11, U12, & U13 (9v9 Games)
  • 1.00pm to 3.30pm: U14, U15, & U16 (11v11 Games)
COST $299 per Team


To register your child’s team simply click on the link and confirm the following details.


PowerPlay 2025 Team Registration


  • Team Name
  • Children’s Names & Age
  • Parents Emails


The tournament will sell out fast, so be quick to register!