Is your child interested in a career in the sports industry?

Do they love sport but aren’t sure if they can make a career in it?

Are they unsure what to do after graduating from high school?

We are delighted to partner with Diamond Fitness who have successfully given PFT Graduates opportunities over the years.


The Diploma of Sport gives students:

  • Practical hands on learning for people who love sport
  • Learn the skills to be a problem solver and fill management positions
  • Obtain up to an 80 ATAR equivalency to support university entry
  • Access world class Strength conditioning via the Diamond Athlete development program (Value $3600)
  • Leverage your opportunities with ECU


Download the Brochure Here

Please email us at if you would like to attend the Information Evening.

Date      Thursday, 27th July
Time      7.00pm to 8.30pm
Venue   Diamond Fitness, Leeway Court, Osborne Park

We hope you and your child can!